Lime plaster for internal and external spaces, permeable to water vapour; it is composed of natural raw materials such as lime and aggregates free of soluble salts.
This product is used as plaster on any type of wall, provided it has been rendered in advance. Avoid its use on plaster - based substrates. « CALCE INTONACO » can be overpainted with silicate, lime and siloxane paints.
Appearance of the film
Physical hardening and through chemical reaction of lime and carbon dioxide
Specific weight
Da 1,640 gr/ml
Theoretical consumption
1,2 kg / m² for 1mm of thickness 2-2,5 kg / m² for 1,5 mm of thickness
Flash point
Component A > 114°C
Preparation of the support
The substrate must be consistent and free of parts that are peeling off, free from contaminants; it must be rough and free of dust and dirt.
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature: from + 8 to 35° C Temperature of the support: > 5° C Humidity: 0 - 75 %
Drying and hardening time
Drying depends on the environmental conditions: temperature, humidity; on the substrate and on the thickness. Minimum 24 hours