

Impermeable barrier – it blocks asbestos

UV resistant

Resistant to water stagnation

isolamento tetti




Thick and elastic coating, waterproof, based on special acrylic elastomeric resins, with internal plasticization; it can be diluted in water.
It ensures the entire elimination of the spontaneous release of asbestos fiber, avoiding the removal of the sheets. Certificate ECOS N° 1794, 03/06/1996


It is suitable to waterproof concrete artifacts, foundations, parts of the wall that is not slightly seen below the surface of the road, and so on. For a perfect and lasting waterproofing, it is better to use “Resin guaina” with 300 gr/m² of glass fiber.

Appearance of the film



White – Red – Grey - Transparent




Physical hardening through evaporation of water and union of the polymer     

Specific weight

From 1,290 - 1320      gr/ml

Volume of solids

57 %


20  gr/ litre

Minimum thickness

500  micron

Estimated yield

1,1  m² / litre for a thickness of 500 microns

Flash point

Component A                                 > 114°C         


50 %  for a thickness of 2000 microns

Preparation of surfaces

Perform an accurate cleaning to remove dirt, any parts that are peeling off, grease and other contaminants. Prime with our primer for “Resin guaina” (base pliolite).
The surface must be dry; the presence of excessive moisture inside the support, in the process of solar radiation, can generate steam that causes the formation of bubbles and the subsequent detachment of the coating.

Preparation of the product

Mix the product before use.
If you use the spatula, the product shouldn’t be diluted.
If you use the roller or the brush, you must dilute the product by 10 to 15 % with water

Environmental conditions

Ambient temperature:                 from + 5  to 40° C
Temperature of the support:       >  10° C
Humidity:                                    0 – 85 %
In order to prevent the formation of condensation, it is necessary that the temperature of the substrate is at least 3° C above the dew point.

Drying and hardening time

For thicknesses of 500 microns                  10° C           20° C           30° C
Dry to touch                                                 24                6                   1   hour
Dry in depth                                                 24                8                   2   hours

Time of overpainting

Minimum  (hours)                                        10° C          20° C            30° C
                                                                     24               8                   3 hours
Maximum    unlimited in the absence of contaminants


Spatula, Brush
If you use the roller, you must use medium-haired rollers or rollers with alveolar sponges

Shelf life

1 year in a cool and dry place (max 40° C)


Comp A      Lt. 14 Lt. 5 Lt. 2,5